Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rhymes to Read

I love using the poems in this book with my students.

This book contains lots of poems and rhymes using sight words. The poems are catchy rhymes and most have cute little pictures to go with them.

I write the poems on chart paper and sentence strips and we read and chant together as a class. I let students use fancy pointers and they love having a turn to lead the class.

Then I copy the pages... actually I reduce them and trim off the bottom so that they will fit inside a composition book. I don't reduce the size too much. I still want the students to be able to write on the lines on each page. Each week (or sometimes twice a week, depending!) students use a glue stick to add a new poem. Then, they write in the appropriate high frequency word and read! The students keep these composition books in their desks, and I encourage them to read the poems when they have extra time or during independent reading.

This is the cute label that I put on the front of each child's composition book!

Click on the image to get your own copies of this label!