In an attempt to squeeze just a little more out of the summer break, we had a busy, relaxing, adventurous weekend. The. Best. Kind. It was a wonderful combination of getting things done, spending time together, relaxing, and planning ahead.
First, we invested some time in getting things organized at home. If I had gone to Organizational High School, I'm fairly certain I would have graduated in the top 10% of my class. I like things organized. I'm a "place for everything and everything in it's place" kind of person, but if my entire family were the same, what fun would there be in that?! My husband is an "absent-minded scientist-type" and my two younger daughters... well, let's just say that they will clean up when asked, but order doesn't come naturally. My older daughter and son can definitely appreciate organization, and they are getting to be better students all the time!
So we got the whole team together and rearranged some furniture, cleaned out some closets, powered through the laundry hamper, tackled the Tupperware cupboard, reorganized cupboards, bathed the dog, and wiped, washed or vacuumed everything. Pure bliss for me! I feel more prepared for everything when the house is in order!
Next we had some good times at the gym with the whole family. Usually my husband and I drop kids off at their own activities and then go to the gym, just the two of us. But this weekend, we rounded up all the kids and had a fun time together on the treadmills, elliptical machines, bikes, and weight machines. My son is a serious swimmer, and here he is entertaining us by doing pull-ups while holding a 50-pound weight between his legs. Ha! Crazy-strong!
We managed to do some gourmet/healthy cooking, eat some delicious raspberries, strawberries and blueberries, and we went on some nice, leisurely walks with our goofy dog, Violet. We went to a fun trampoline place
and started a James Bond Marathon with "Dr. No" (and since the kids don't start school until a week after I do, we'll probably be able to watch all the James Bond movies while it's still summer!)
We ended the weekend with a concert. We saw My Morning Jacket (fun but LOUD!),
Wilco,and Bob Dylan. I hadn't been to a concert in ages and we had a fun time!
After a weekend with my family that was so perfect, I knew I had to share a family favorite for my book today.
Everyone in the family loves this book. It's never, ever on the shelf... usually on a couch or ottoman or in the car or on a bed or in someone's lap! All of my children have spent hours reading and exploring it over and over and over. It has something for everyone, and it's more than just a book for any curious child. We have "loved-to-death" at least four copies of The Way Things Work by David Macaulay, and I'm always on the lookout for more!
And the new version? Even better!
Last minute summer fun at your house?
Any books you can't live without (or at least recommend highly)?
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