Monday, December 2, 2013

My Marvelous Monday... and Don't Forget About the Sale at TpT!

Truthfully, I wasn't looking forward to going back to school today. I mean, I LOVE my students. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.

But that long weekend? Sleeping late, lounging in my pajamas for hours, reading books, walking on the beach, hanging out with my own children... That was pretty darn amazing!

So I admit that I went to school a little reluctantly today. Especially since I had to go extra, extra early due to some crazy car logistical issues that were a result of the long weekend.

But let me tell you---- We had the BEST day!

I changed the activity that students do first thing in the morning, and I added a bit to the routine (more on that later.) We started reading gingerbread stories (one of our big themes for the months), had a smoother-than-usual reading/literacy block, learned a couple of new poems, talked about characters in books, began work on our gingerbread math project (might take all week!) and had group time. During group time, three parents come work in the classroom and students are engaged in a variety of activities. Today one group was reading Time for Kids, one was working on some Marcy Cook math lessons, and one was busy with December calendar activities. I was working with a group and we discussed Gingerbread Friends by Jan Brett. I created a class book that's related to the story, and each student completed a page. It's going to be darling!

Gingerbread Friends









It was one of those amazing days. Children were kind to each other, they followed the rules, and they did their work. It was a total treat! And now... I'm excited to go back tomorrow!

Don't forget about the big sale at Teachers Pay Teachers! Everything in my store is already 20% off, and if you use the code "Cyber," you can get an additional 8% off. I used this opportunity to moved a pile o'stuff from my wish list to my cart to the "Downloads" folder on my laptop... and I'm thrilled to get working on some new projects!

Cyber Monday Sale Button_4_Creative Clips

Have a terrific Tuesday!


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